There’s No Excuse for Failure Anymore

There’s No Excuse for Failure Anymore

We are in a period of time where, for many years, there have been legitimate reasons for people to think their goals were unattainable. But now, that has been forever altered and the excuses we once clung to have dissipated with a myriad of solutions and options available to us.

It doesn’t matter what goal you’ve been striving to reach – whether it’s financial success, weight loss, or something else – you have what you need now to get things done, as long as you’re willing to do them.

If you think about it, this has always been true in most cases. The biggest obstacle to our success is us. Our mindset, our refusal to find the answers and do the work in a consistent manner is what often holds us back.

But instead of accepting responsibility, we tend to blame it on something outside of our control, like a lack of money to pay for the right “fix.” It’s easy to get mired down in a cycle of excitement and excuses, where one day we’re feeling motivated and the next, hopeless.

A Lack of Money Isn’t Standing in Your Way

Money is often used as an excuse for people to not be able to do the things they feel will change their life. People will complain that they can’t eat healthy because produce is too expense or they can’t start an online business because they can’t afford to.

Neither of these things is true. It’s simply a choice of what we allow ourselves to believe. If you’re an online entrepreneur, you don’t have to invest in expensive site building tools, keyword research and SEO tools, and courses that break the bank.

You can start a business online for $0 and start pouring your profits back into the mix, but you have to be smart enough to choose a business model that allows for that, like affiliate marketing.

If you want to eat healthier, you can buy produce that’s in season (and less expensive), on sale in bulk, or being sold at a Farmer’s Market locally at a cheaper price. You can even grow your own product by investing in seeds for next to nothing.

If you feel money is holding you back, that simply means you haven’t tried to find a workaround, because money isn’t an obstacle if you really want to do something significant to make changes.

You can also take a look at the money you’re wasting in life (Starbucks, streaming cable, etc.) and par down on those if there’s something you really want to afford to reach a goal – but that requires a sacrifice that makes people feel uncomfortable, so it’s easier to use a blanket excuse as to why you can’t do it.

You Have the Time to Do Anything You Put Your Mind To

Time is another excuse people often mention when they feel like they’re being held back. You don’t have time to shop for healthy food and prepare it after a long day at work.

You don’t have time to start a business online when you’re already working fulltime in an offline job, right? Yet that’s exactly what millions of others are doing who are in the same boat.

So you have to correct your wording to say, “I don’t want to spend time do that.” Because that’s the truth of the matter. You can meal prep one day on the weekend so that you have nutritious food all week long.

You can build your business little by little in your spare time after work and on the weekends. You don’t have to be able to devote 8 hours a day to succeed as an online entrepreneur – you just have to get started.

And once you begin evaluating how your hours and minutes each day are being spent, you’ll realize there’s a lot of waste happening there, too. There are times when you could be learning and working, but you’re not – you’re watching mindless TV, commuting with the radio on, or eating lunch while on social media.

Use your time strategically, and if that means you have to wake up 30 minutes earlier to have half an hour each day to progress towards your goal, you’ll do it. But only if you truly want it without letting excuses weigh you down.

There’s Enough Free Info to Teach You Everything You Want to Know

A lack of knowledge is another excuse that is often used when people are analyzing why they haven’t been able to achieve their goals. It’s easy to say you don’t know how to do something, but you can’t use that excuse anymore because the Internet has brought a world of information to your fingertips.

It’s not only online resources, but offline meetups in your local area, libraries, and the other sources that can provide you with information you need to know. However, if you have access to the Internet, you can learn just about anything you could hope to learn that will help you achieve your dreams.

For example, if you don’t know how to lose weight, you can look up an endless number of strategies that will help you find something that works for your personal preferences and health needs.

If you needed to know how to lose weight to improve your blood pressure, there are free sites with information about what foods to eat, what exercise you should do, and calorie calculators that can make things easy for you.

If you want to know how to start your own website so that you can blog and earn money from it, there are endless YouTube videos that will teach you in a step by step manner so that you can follow along and take action with the person teaching it.

There are even free tutorials for more advanced things you may need to know. But you have to use your keyboard and Internet connection and search for the answers that you want.

Even if you aren’t able to find something that is readymade and outlined or answered for you, there are sites such as Quora or niche forums that you can sign up on and ask questions of the other members to find the answers you need to know.

Just befriending other people who have the same interests and goals can help you significantly and none of this costs you a single penny. But it’s easier to simply shrug it off as a dilemma where you don’t have answers, so therefore you will remain stuck.

You Have the Ability to Try, Fail and Succeed

The truth is, just about everyone who has succeeded at the same goal you have in mind has failed more than once on their journey to success. Very few people start off and take a direct path to the finish line.

Most people stumble when they are on a weight loss journey. They may have setbacks such as a plateau in their weight loss or they may lose and then regain the weight and have to do it all over again.

There are people who start a business online and can’t seem to gain traction in building a list or getting their site ranked in Google. But instead of giving up and throwing their hands in the air in frustration, some people power through the failures until they achieve the success they are after.

Others will fall down in their journey and never get back up because the sting of failure is just too much for them. It doesn’t matter that everyone else before them had the same obstacles – it’s easier to be able to say they tried than to admit they don’t want to try again.

Perseverance and Consistency Will Turn the Tides in Your Favor

There are only two things you need to get past this struggle of using excuses and  they are the ability to persevere through obstacles and consistency in your efforts. If you are armed with those two traits, nothing will be able to stop you.

This is necessary in any aspect of life – your relationships, your health, your financial success – it’s needed everywhere, and at all times. So how do you adopt them into your life?

It’s not going to happen overnight. You’re going to feel uncomfortable and not like yourself when you’re using these two traits. But you’re also going to quickly feel empowered and unstoppable – and when that kicks in, it’s going to feel amazing.

Looking back on past failures and seeing where you fought back until you emerged victorious is a powerful feeling that lends to more success in the future. It’s what’s going to push you forward with momentum to do the things you always thought were unattainable.

For consistency, start with bite-sized effort. If you try to tackle too much all at once, you’ll be setting yourself up for failure. If you’re trying to eat healthier, start with a healthy breakfast every single day and don’t worry as much about lunch and dinner until you master breakfast.

Or you could start by making sure that you eat one fruit and one vegetable each day – small steps that get the ball rolling. The key is to make sure you progress with incremental change to do more until your life is transformed.

As an online entrepreneur, you could dedicate small increments of time to learning the ropes and taking action, such as devoting one hour per week (either all at once or broken up into 10-15 minute blocks) and then work on adding more time until you have the new career in place.

You Can Block Saboteurs and Surround Yourself with Mentors

One thing that’s going to be hard for many people to do, but absolutely necessary – is to block the enablers (also known as saboteurs) who don’t care if you succeed or fail, or who secretly want you to.

They may not do it knowingly, but they can hold you back if they coddle you with your excuse mindset – or if they’re jealous and don’t want to feel bad about their own lack of success in certain areas.

These will be the people who urge you to blow off working on your business to do something with them instead, or who tempt you to just go off your diet this one time. These people are not good for your goals, and you need to keep them at arm’s length until you are strong enough to push back.

Instead, surround yourself with other go getters who feel unstoppable and who can lift you up and believe in you as you strive for great things to unfold in your life. You can find them online and in person, and they may not even be on the same path, but simply love to see others shine.

Success isn’t unattainable for you. It’s not out of your reach or too difficult. It’s there, ready and waiting – and as of today, there is no longer any viable excuse for you to embrace failure as your destiny.

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